Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tour de Beijing

Hey. Been running all around Beijing yesterday as we only had tickets for the evening track and field events.
We started off the day taking our bikes and going through all the old neighborhoods and busting into various homes. Old homes in the hutongs are built around a central square. Usually they continue to build into the squares as families expand. These are quickly disappearing in Beijing and China. Of course when you are with the Bossarts you just walk into random peoples' homes and hope it is not some Chinese Party member or a Serious opium dealer. Also allot of the people have these little friggin' Pekingese dogs that are vicious and have been spared the chopping block.

We ended our ride at one of the urban lakes at a local tea house. Did the whole tea ceremony thing, but, as usual,the heathen that I am had me drinking beers at the end.

We ended the afternoon by pedaling over to "Snack Street." A street lined w/ 200-odd food vendors. Everything you want-dumplings, noodles, any flavor beef, chicken, fruits, and of course the stuff you should be afraid of: scorpions, larvae, bugs, starfish, the usual. Note stupid pics of us eating scorpions and big beetles. Nice.

Ended the evening at the National Stadium (Bird's Nest). Saw the women's shot put medal (sexy ladies) and the men's 100m finals (Usain Bolt/Jamaica/ world record). Very cool evening and a good way to end Beijing.

Off to Shanghai...

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