Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Technical Issues

Damn. Killed my phone last night. Stupid thing has a password protection program that kills the machine if you screw it up 5 times. Guess who screwed it up? Whatever. The phone still works, but email capacity is SOL. Onward upward.

Today's agenda: Beach volleyball in the AM and then more wrestling in the afternoon. I'll report later.

The pictures are from a Taoist Temple that Chase dragged us to yesterday. Not on the tourist route and a very cool site that was spared by the Cultural Revolution. The name of the place translates roughly as "The Dharma of the Sea Temple." In the foothills west of Beijing and a very relaxing, peaceful location. Not typical China.

If you need to send me a note, use my AOL email: scole39036@aol.com.

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