Monday, August 18, 2008

Shanghai Shuffle

OK. Out of Beijing and down south to Shanghai. Hotter, wetter, and smoggier than Beijing. This place is like the set of Blade Runner. Crazy ass buildings, huge electronic signs every where, and usual Asian chaos. Beautiful city-weird mix of European style along the river (The Bund) and modern Asia.

So got into town and crashed. I haven't slept on a bed the last eleven days, so I upgraded to a pull-out. Much nicer. Did the dazzling urbanite thang and then crashed for 12/13 hours.

Today we walked down to the National Shanghai Museum and quickly ran thru as we had a driver waiting to take us thru the city. Great spot. We did not appreciate it. So next was off for a tour of the city. First the Jade Temple, a working Buddhist Temple in the heart of the city. Lots of monks mixed w/ random tourists and lots of incense. Very cool. Next to the Bund. Hot, sweaty and a long stretch of brown water. Ehhhh. Nuf said. Finally we headed over to the antique mart, which is code for "Get in the Haole's Face and Try to Sell Him a Fake Rolex." Usual fun. Bought some crap for the Hoi-Poloi at home. Came home and hit the Bing Pea Jo (cold beer). Big meal and then crash.

Tomorrow is our final event-Soccer/football in the afternoon. Nigeria vs Belgium. Should be cool. Never seen a big-time football game. Sam Sr is a known soccer hooligan.

OK. Need to eat. In the mood for a bloody steak (shifting our views back West).

Next update may be back in Seattle...

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