Friday, August 15, 2008

Sunny Side Up, Sunny Side Down, Sunnyside All Ze' Way Around!!

Been a few days. Very humid here and rainy yesterday... Started off yesterday w/ Men's All-Around Gymnastics. Saw the Chinese guy win gold-Wang. Very cool. Place went friggin nuts.

Next up-back to the big boys of Greco-Roman wrestling. I've spent allot of time at the Glorious Workers Gymnasium. Newie decided to boo the Chinese guy when he lost the bronze medal round because he wouldn't shake hands w/ his opponent. Kinda weird and next thing I know Newie is going to get his ass kicked by the gymnasium (deservedly so). Luckily, I stood up and put the fear of god into the Red Machine...

Dinner was a traditional roast duck affair in a hutong (old neighborhoods-winding passages). Amazing stuff. Duck meat, duck hearts, duck feet, duck intestines, duck balls, etc. As usual-good.

Today we awoke to SUN the first time here... Could see the mountains (Fragrant Hills) for the first time. So next up-FIELD HOCKEY. I don't know anything about it, but watched the Netherlands beat the beejesus out of Canada. Great sport. Fun, fast, good chance to take out a knee-cap. Total approval.
Second, after the usual 12 course lunch, was Judo. Actually judo was somewhat lame. Only stuck around for an hour or so. Lots of grappling and very large women who have taught waaaaay too much Gym.

We hopped in a cab and went to the Pearl Market. Did some wheeling and dealing for fakes (got a sweet Omega Speedmaster for $40). They quote 1,000 RMB, you give 'em 100 RMB. Totally fun for a bunch of crap. Cash and BS is king. Makes make my market look like kid's play...


1 comment:

Norm said...

why haven't you eaten the brain of a monkey for said monkey's skull?