Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hot n' Sticky

All over the map these days and it is hot as hell. Humid too... They claim the air is better. Sure.

Started the day off at women's beach volleyball. Good stuff. Cheerleaders, crazy crowd, and few talented women. Good games: Georgia beat Russia on a smaller political front. China beat Finland (crowd goes nuts whenever China plays. They scream, "Jao Yo!" every couple seconds. Means approximately "GO GAS". I think it means bend over whitey). Fvinal match was Australia over Brazil. Please note my tasteful pictures of the players.
Second events were back to the boxing ring for more fights-essentially cruiser-weight. Not as fast as the featherweights. Ehh.

We've spent the rest of the afternoon watching heavier classes of greco-roman wrestling-medal rounds. Fun scene. Screaming, flag waiving, random acts of sodomy, etc. China got smoked in the 72kg round by a Hungarian. Scary good.

Back home to get the grime off. Leaving soon for another huge meal. Never ask what is served. Just eat.

Newie only chewed out one cabbie today.
Baseball tomorrow. Scalping more currently...


Foxwell said...

I was watching women's beach volleyball the other day and heard the distinct sound of "Who Let the Dogs Out?" being played in between games.

Now, my understanding of the Cultural Revolution is shaky at best, but I'm pretty sure that the Baha Men weren't what Mao envisioned. Oh well...God Bless the United States of Hegemony!

By the by, thanks for the updates from the Orient. It sure beats listening to Costas pontificate on how much Michael Phelps eats.

Baron of Ballard said...

Well it's better than Starship's "We Rocked This City" at the greco-roman wrestling matches...