Friday, August 8, 2008

Run Around

OK. Opening ceremonies. Think we'll take the subway down to the Olympic Green. Pretty cool system, but no-one knows how it works as it is brand new.

Oh and once you get off the subway, they don't allow anyone to go near the Olympics w/out a ticket. Note: there is chip in the ticket that must match your ID in the The Big Red Machine's data base or nada. Oh, did I mention it is still 97 degrees and humid. Blah blah.

SO screw it lets go to the Llama Temple-OOPS... the government said all sites (Tianamen, Forbidden City, etc) are closed for the Opening Ceremonies. Oh and make it a national holiday.

Come on lets chow and drink beer. That trumps all here... Food rules.

Whatever. Let's go rent some bikes. That took two hours of Red tape (Meryle Ann again stuck it to them), but we are no longer bike virgins in Beijing. Holy Christ on a Popsicle stick. Just pedal forward and don't die. Seems to be easy so far... The key is to always move forward and don't make any sudden moves, oh and don't look backwards. Crazy buses know you don't want to hit dumb white boys.

By the way, don't think people in Beijing aren't enthusiastic as shit about this city. They're in The Big Show and they know it... Everyone is proud of this city and they damn well should be. "No" doesn't seem to be in the Chinese mind-set these days. Move on brother, cause this freight train is just starting to roll and the brakes suck.

Above pics are us trying to get to the National Stadium (Birdcage) w/ no luck. We'll be able to get on to the green later and scalp out little hearts out. Other pics are us riding through the Hutongs (old neighborhoods that are being bulldozed ASAP for The Future, manifest Destiny, etc.).

We're off to some sports bar w/ 60 screens. Word is that the Guv may have shut it down for "National Security." They're also supposed to be shooting fireworks down a 5mile stretch of road by where we're staying.

I'm just along for the ride. And beer.

Stay cool.


June Cleaver said...

Wally, where's the Beaver??? Hey guys! Two things took me by surprise...1)hearing that you're going to be let loose on bicycles with only a map (no GPS?), and 2) Jr.'s TATOO. I couldn't tell exactly what it was, but somehow I knew they weren't butterflies. Thanks for all the great pix. Keep 'em coming. Enjoy the Olympic experience!

Ann said...

No problems getting tickets? See ya tonight at oening ceremonies. Wear shorts. Hopefully NBC will pick you out to photograph from all the others, awed by the tatoo. Ann

Baron of Ballard said...

June Cleaver:

1) GPS is usless as the roads are literaly changing daily. They bulldoze constantly-the road in front of us is 4 lanes and was one lane last week and surrounded by Hutongs. Cabbies don't bother w/ maps either usually due to road changes or literacy issues.
2) Tattoos are for low-rent bikers and the Yakuza. Ask Katy for more info. We don't discuss these things in front of the older generation. Seriously.
3) Who are you?

oflyer said...

Well your doing better than I expected. I thought by now I would be seeing photos of a jail cell. Bikes, please, where is the skateboard? Be a man!

jimmy said...

Awesome trip
My questions
How much is a lunch and a beer?
What is said lunch?
What did you not bring that you wish you had?
Attitude of the natives?
Jimmy Mackel