Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Big Jumps and Big Mountains

Day Two...

A few notes on the fantastic people watching. I've decided to give a few awards based on vicious personal beliefs, biases, etc:

1) Worst dressed fans: The Russians. Jesus, they follow me every-where.
2) Most Enthusiastic: The Fins. They're like that goofy cousin you see once a year at Thanksgiving, funny, but you aren't having a drink with them after Grandma goes to bed.
3) Not afraid of a drink: The Poles, plus good looking women (caveat-below the age of 35, then Babushka city).
4) Rarest: Jamaicans. Only seen one and she was w/ her American Suga-Daddy.
5) Nicest: Canadians. Absolutely delightful and proud of these games. I just have a feeling they REALLy want to see the US fall on its' face. Hmmmm.
6) Scariest: Germans. Everyone seems to wander away when they start yelling. The Poles get really nervous.

OK. Enough bad stereotypes. Nordic Combined today. Half hour outside of Whistler, then a mile hike up to the sites (weeds out the weak fans). I am now an expert in all things associated w/ jumping and cross-country skiing. I will give a demonstration back in Ballard. Great day. Americans got Silver that came down to the last 50 yards of the cross-country section.

Tomorrow skiing or, if motivated, down the hill to Vancouver for Arials...

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