Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Usual.

Hey. You know the drill. No Olympics today. We are doing the tourist thang... We expect to start going to events manana.

So we actually watched the Opening Ceremonies last night from Russ's apartment as we could see the National Stadium (Bird's Nest) and the stretch of road that leads from there to the Forbidden City. Chinese TV coverage, but we could see all the fireworks across the city and leading to the event. What they didn't show was all the crazy fireworks ALL over the city after and during the ceremonies. Great spot-28floors up up, so amazing views.

OK Monkeys-Tienanmen today and then into The Forbidden City. Again-WOW. Huge. Older than anything we got-well not as old as Gary Frye. You've seen these pics before, but suck it commoners. The thing that continues to amaze is the scope of size. CHINA. Collective will. Amazing-hard to explain.

Tomorrow Olympics. Blood sport. Mano a mano. Country vs country. Beer. Ahh...relaxtion!!!!!

Ughh boring notes.


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